Friday, April 5, 2013

I am still running

I just realized I haven't posted anything in a year on here.  I think blogging must have gotten away from me.

I am still running, though not as much as I'd like.  Today I finished my fastest mile and longest distance.  

I did 4.63 miles in 1 hour, 12 mins.  That is a feat for me.  I didn't plan on running that much, maybe 4 miles.  But I ran so far, my cool down/walk back to my car ended up being almost a whole mile.  I know it's not the fastest, but it's not

I shaved almost a minute off my mile.  The strangest thing is that I did this on my own.  By that, I mean that I turned off my C25K app, which helps condition and strategize my runs. I do listen to "Get Low" and the Space Jam theme song.  That's right. Over and over.