Thursday, September 1, 2011

First post

I don't really know where to start this, so I'm just going to jump right in.
I was browsing around on reddit and came across this thing called the C25K. At first, I thought that it was some sort of fad diet, who's letters I didn't comprehend.  After reading about it I was intrigued.  It sounds legit, though I really wouldn't know because I am super un-athletic.   

I start doing some research on it and eventually stumbled upon this guy's story.  I should stop here to say that I have a very short attention span, and after spending as much time online as I do, not much really surprises me or intrigues me for any length of time. I start watching this video, even laughing at the beginning (Sorry, but I am being honest- the song choice made me laugh at first).  I'm a bigger girl myself, and like him, I was also once (a very very long time ago) a "normal" sized person.  I just recently  got under the 200 mark, and I can only attribute that to the fact that I am a tad depressed and started working in the heat for July.  

Anyway, I have started college again to earn a second degree.  A plus to this (besides the whole becoming gainfully employed) is that I get to work out at the wonderful (seriously, it is nice) gym again.  I know I need to lose weight, but I tend to find excuses that lead to me giving up a workout regimen.  Ben's story really hit home.  I don't think anyone's fitness story has ever touched me the way his has.  

I was going to send this to him in an email, but chickened out.  I figure he gets emails and such daily and I'm sure these types of things get old after a while.  I do hope that I have enough motivation to keep going like he did.  I strongly encourage anyone looking to start a plan to learn about the C25K and watch Ben's story.  (Also, he is a hottie).  If anyone has advice, please let me know.  

Here's the video if you are like me and too lazy to give a crap and click that link
Also, check out his site

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