Thursday, September 22, 2011

Repeating is going to need some Repeating

My last post was a happy one.  This post is a mildly unhappy one.

I mentioned that I was planning on redoing week 2 to increase my distance/pace. Some people may look at that as doing too much too fast, and that I should be happy to be running and keeping up with a regimen.  I'm not trying to do 5 miles in 30 minutes or any other spectacular distance and time.  I understand that my body isn't ready for that.  I just feel I'm not ready to go on yet.

Theoretically/In a perfect world, if you increase the time spent running each week, then each week your distance/pace should increase (even if just by a little bit).  This was my run, beginning my redo of Week 2.

As you can see, things did not go so well.  Partly due to several calls from family members (which I tried to ignore, but when they call 4 times in a span of 5 minutes...).  I just wasn't feeling it.  I felt blah, tired, and that damn pain in my right side flared up again.

I was going to put this in a separate post, but why beat a dead horse?

I went running again to repeat Week 2, as planned.

I did better, but had some severe shin splints.  I'm still not increasing it (I should note I walked an extra 5 minutes in the 2.36 mile than the 2.20 mile)....

(To be continued so I have blog fodder and this won't be an incredibly long post).

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