Saturday, January 21, 2012

Odd Habits

I'm not superstitious, nor favor any rituals when it comes to running. I primarly set out on a run with my iPhone, Nike+ app (to track distance), the C25K app if I feel I need structure, and my running outfit.

I just have to have my iPhone with me and I love my new bluetooth wireless headset.  The latter, mainly because I don't trip over or do embarrassing things when the ear bud cord gets all wobbly and in my way.

<Insert picture or video of someone tripping all over themselves because of a headphone cord.jpg>
I couldn't find one, which makes me feel way more self conscious. 
Here is an unrelated video that's funny, however. 

I do, however, have a running shirt that makes me feel like a super person.  It's a tad geeky, but I think every time I've ran with it I've outdone a previous time or distance record.  It is also the first shirt I put on when I began this trek many months ago.  I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of it because of this.

The shirt:
The online version
You can purchase one like this at my favorite geek store:  Think Geek

I picked it up at the blue on a vacation last summer because it was the last day and I hadn't bought myself anything other than dinner and a drink. I think the key to it is that it's comfy and hides anything that jiggles unwantingly.  Those confused by this post should refer to this post right over here.


Do you have someone that runs with you?  Or that person who's always cheering you on?
This is pure awesomeness.

I don't.  And I'm not posting this to elicit sympathy.  I'm posting this for others like me.  I post every post for other people who may be going through the same thing I am.  For people who are trying to get fit for THEM.  For you.  Not to please a significant other or make your momma proud, but to get fit because it means a better you.  *cue uplifting music* 

Seriously, what drives you to keep running?  Because work out buddies are great and sorta keep you on the path to do better, but what force do you have that is a little reminder to keep it up? 

This is mine. 
You can find out more info here and here.

It's a 10K.  A freakin' 10K.  

At first, I thought, "There is no way I can enter that yet. I am so not ready."  

But then I read some more and found a category that is Walk/Walk Run.  Well hell, that's what I do anyway.  That's what the C25K is. Walk...then run...then walk... and so on until you're running.  But, a 10K is not the same as a 5K, duh.  

I'm still doing it.  I registered yesterday as a matter of fact.  By myself.  I do have a friend going down with me that is going to cheer me on, but that's it.  I am a little scared and overwhelmed, but I'm gonna do it. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

I Couldn't Believe it!

Being a waitress has given me a lot of things in life.  Mostly a disdain for the general public.  However, as I was getting a pedicure one day, the technician (What else do you call someone who does pedicures?) mentioned that I must be on my feet a lot because my calf muscles are very developed.  This was before I started running, and I realized that it could only be attributed to work.

Let me explain.  I don't take breaks*.  On most Fridays and Saturdays (and various other days when I'm covering someone else's shift), I work 9 plus hours without sitting down.  That's 540 minutes at the very least without sitting down.  Go ahead, try it.  I'll wait.  Make sure you have some damn comfy shoes on, cause even with the best shoes, my feet still hurt at the end of the day.  I realized, on a very populated and busy day, that I could totally do a marathon, if I could get the rest of my body in the same condition as my legs. 
That's actually me....on the news waitressing.  
Not long after, I started running.  The C25K program has really given me the encouragement to run, as well as forums and other blogs that have given me the advice and tips I needed to learn to run properly.  I still need to work on my stamina and improve my cardio, but my legs.  My legs never get tired.  Not like other people's, who's comments are their legs hurt or they felt like lead.  I just usually run out of breath or get a side stitch that feels like a little demon has suddenly tried to escape from my rib cage. 

What's the point in all this blabbering?  When I do something on the bike machine, I feel like I've cheated.  2 miles in 9 minutes?  I wasn't really even all that sweaty when I finished. My legs are strong, but I still feel like it's a good way to warm up muscles in a gym.  

Proof of my 2 miles in 9 minutes
* If you look at the status chart (the green dots) , I went up and down in resistance* 

So, I started off the other night on the bike machine to loosen up.  Then moved on to treadmill, elliptical, and finished with the track.  I was wary to walk (or power walk) on the track, because I knew I'd mix up how far I'd gone.  So, I tried my Nike+ app and it worked.  

This is what I did TOTAL: 

That's 6.5 miles in 1 hour and 12 minutes.  

That's more than a 10K!  and in a little over an hour. 

I was so proud of myself.  

Moral of the story?  Push yourself to do a little bit more each time you workout.  Keep it realistic and be proud of what you're doing.  

And remember that it doesn't matter how fast you're going, you're still lapping the people on the couch. 

*Disclaimer, I legally am allowed to take breaks, and I realize that, but I don't want to give up tables or leave my tables in the lurch.  I'm what they call a "good" waitress. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Let me start by saying that I realize I haven't posted in quite some time. Rest assured, however, that the cold weather and prolonged absence doesn't mean that I quit running. I did cut back on it, especially around the holidays. I have to rant here that shorter days during winter suck when you prefer running outside. With family obligations, two jobs, and school I couldn't find time to run outside. So, I've started running and working out at the gym.

This was the first real day of working out at the gym. 
I start at the bike machines, and go until I do about 2 miles.  If you look above, I did 2 miles in 9 and a half minutes.  Not to bad for a chubby white girl.

My breakdown of my first gym workout includes:
  • A couple of miles to warm up on the bikes. 
  • Next, I move on to the treadmills (which I hate) and do about a mile. 
  • Finally, I graduate onto the ellipticals.  Which I love because it feels like running without stress on your joints.  
The first day, I did this: 
The top number is the treadmill (1.06 miles in 17.40 minutes), followed by the elliptical (1.5 miles in 19.05 minutes), and finally, the bikes that I started on (2 miles in 9.33).  

I have more posts coming, but I just wanted you to know that I'm back, and have been running.  I also have some news to share!   Stay tuned.