Saturday, January 21, 2012

Odd Habits

I'm not superstitious, nor favor any rituals when it comes to running. I primarly set out on a run with my iPhone, Nike+ app (to track distance), the C25K app if I feel I need structure, and my running outfit.

I just have to have my iPhone with me and I love my new bluetooth wireless headset.  The latter, mainly because I don't trip over or do embarrassing things when the ear bud cord gets all wobbly and in my way.

<Insert picture or video of someone tripping all over themselves because of a headphone cord.jpg>
I couldn't find one, which makes me feel way more self conscious. 
Here is an unrelated video that's funny, however. 

I do, however, have a running shirt that makes me feel like a super person.  It's a tad geeky, but I think every time I've ran with it I've outdone a previous time or distance record.  It is also the first shirt I put on when I began this trek many months ago.  I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of it because of this.

The shirt:
The online version
You can purchase one like this at my favorite geek store:  Think Geek

I picked it up at the blue on a vacation last summer because it was the last day and I hadn't bought myself anything other than dinner and a drink. I think the key to it is that it's comfy and hides anything that jiggles unwantingly.  Those confused by this post should refer to this post right over here.

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