Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'll Be Back...

I will update soon, but currently am dealing with some hacking/malware on this blog.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

OK girls...

Guys, this is the part you can stop reading.  I mean, you can read it if you want but I don't think you'll care as much.

Boobs.  Running with more than an 'A cup' is not fun.  I mentioned that I run in a small town.  A plus is that I can run safely around town.  A negative would be that people know me, and see me running (yes, they compliment, blow the horn, and encourage me), but I also feel more self conscious about running.
No, I'm not a "hot babe" and I'm talking about my boobs, not that awesome headband.  I don't think I have the power to cause an accident like "Mayhem" dude here, but if anyone has AFFORDABLE ideas for proper sports bras for big chested women--I'm all ears.

 I can't find that "just right" bra.  I feel like it's the holy grail and I may never find it.  They either don't support enough, or make you look like you have some uni-boob thing going on while at the same time stressing the muscles on your shoulders and upper back.  I have tried under armor type clothes (stretchy tanks and shirts made pretty much of spandex) that are supposed to ..you know.. hold all my "junk" in the appropriate car metaphor areas.  I wouldn't be writing this post if they worked.  I have lost weight though, and that makes it easier to shop, but why does good workout attire have to be so damn expensive?

If you have advice or know of a product to try, leave a comment below! Help is definitely appreciated.

Friday, October 28, 2011


I know, I said I had caught the runner's bug.  I still have it, but apparently if you let the bug go for a few days..no a little more than a week, the bug doesn't bite quite as hard as a regular runner.  Does that make sense?

What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't take breaks when you're trying to get in the habit of running.  I had read this on one of the reddit forums, but thought it wasn't applicable to me.  That, because I had actually gotten to love running, I would keep at it.  It's not the weather, or any one thing.  I can come up with a million reasons, very good reasons, as to why I haven't been able to run.  But this very logical side of me, the "don't give me that shit" side (which sounds a lot like Arnold from "Different Strokes"), knows that it's all crap. It's excuse.

 Yes, I'm busy (but who isn't). Yes, I have tons of schoolwork and work work, and side projects and things for other people. Who doesn't?  The difference between the regular runners and the person who comes up with excuse after excuse is the fact that a real runner, someone who wants to run, makes time to run. 

So that's what I plan on doing.  For those interested, I am restarting the C25K but with a twist.  I stay on a week until I have mastered it, until I feel that moving on isn't going to kill me.  If it takes me 2 or 3 weeks to move from one challenge (aka a change in workout plans), that's okay.  I thought this would keep me back, not push me enough.  Instead, it makes me feel empowered.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


So, I had a very "ah ha" moment the other day.  On my last post (which was, 'gasp', more than a week ago!), I talked about having a stomach bug and had to have a make up running day on Sunday.  That was good of me, and I am sticking to it.  I was psyched about starting a new week, when everything hit me at once.  Midterms, work, anniversary parties, and then I get a horrible head cold. I haven't ran this week.  Not once.  I feel crappy about it.

So bad, in fact, that after working 9 hours on Saturday, and then scooting home with only enough time to get my dog ready for the groomers, I changed to my running shoes, just so I can feel them on my feet again.  I was itching to run.  I still am itching to run.  I was even planning on running in the rain tonight, but I didn't realize it had gotten so dark, and at 7:20 p.m. it was already too dark to see.

That's my "ah ha" moment.  I actually like running.  I like breaking from the books, computers, phone, and television and just getting out there.  I get to enjoy music and fresh air.  I crave it, and I've caught this runner's bug.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Accentuate The Positive

I swear I'm not a whiney person, though when you write a blog like this, it's hard to not come off as a complainer sometimes.  So, I'm going to outline the positive and negatives regarding this week's runs.
(I had a better picture, but it came from a very bad source apparently...this is iStockPhoto)

Positive: I ran faster and further than I have before the whole shin splint debacle.

Negative: I was sick and worked a full day on Saturday, so I took the night off from running.

Positive: I ran Sunday instead...

Negative: I almost gave up the last part of my run because my body is exhausted.

Positive: I didn't give up.  I looked at my time left, and how far I had already ran and told myself to keep going.

Positive:  I said my body was exhausted, but it's not from running.  Working full time while fighting a bug, as well as going to school and having projects due (stress) is what I think caused my extreme tired feeling.

Positive:  I was complimented several times at work by customers and coworkers who said they could tell I'm losing weight.

Negative:  My family tries to encourage me, but often ends up discouraging me.  I know they don't mean to, but compliments like, "You're doing good, but ... " followed by how I would look so much prettier if I lost weight, and how hard it is to lose weight when you're older, and other phrases make me want to run away.

Positive:  I'm not running just to lose weight.  It's a stress reliever, and a lifestyle change I want in my life.  It gets me out of the house, away from my computer, and away from all the annoyances in my life...briefly.  I get to enjoy my music.

Any tips on how to boost energy when you're feeling very sluggish before a run?  I felt ready to run, and my mind was excited about it.  My body...not so much.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


First off, a disclaimer.  I am not being paid by Merrell to endorse their products, nor am I advocating that everyone should do this.   But minimalist shoes are freaking awesome.

I went running for the first time tonight wearing the shoes from this post.  I don't know what I was expecting.  Possibly to have my feet or shins hurt halfway through.  I especially expected my shins to hurt.  I completed my run, with a good time--and here's the kicker-- with no pain. There were a few muscles that were jittery post run (like, when you first start running after not doing so in, oh, forever).  This told me that there were some muscles that hadn't properly gotten worked out in a while. 

I should say that I didn't just change my shoe.  I change my running form.  Researching around told me that my old shin splints were probably due to one of two main problems-  the running shoe and your form.  Who thinks about how they run?  I was never taught how to run; As a child you learn to walk, then you speed that up.  Presto- running.  

Horrible Form all over the place. 
REI has some wonderful tips on running (as well as some hil-arious pictures of a man doing stretches).
"I pity da fool that don't do proper stretches" 
I have to show you this one too. 
Either doing the running man laying down or jammin' to "I believe I can fly" 

Ok, I didn't do those stretches, but I do stretch before I run.  Seriously, the article is worth reading if you're a newbie to running like me.  

I also watched this video and downloaded the Merrell Barefoot Running App --which isn't that great, but links to some good youtube videos. 


The part at the beginning is funny, but watch the part about form and where your foot strikes.  

Monday, September 26, 2011

On another note...

I'm running tomorrow (and itching to do it).  I never thought I would be the girl who wants to run.  I am going to basically start over since I'm starting with a whole different type of shoe.

Also, the most visited post on this entire blog is the one where the Ice Cream truck scared the bejeezus - omg, that is a real word - out of me during a run.  So, I thought I'd update.  It happened again.  I was walking (getting used to my new merrells) the other night, and he turned the music on for a split second.  I thought I was becoming paranoid.  I actually paused my music and took my headphones out to make sure I wasn't hearing things, then he passed by me.  Damn you ice cream man.

Anyone have a good running playlist?  I would prefer higher BPM songs, and I don't particularly like heavy metal.  One of my current first world problems -- I have too much music to go through to put together a consistent running playlist.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I've taken it easy Benched myself the past few days.  As a recap, last week I had some shin splints throughout my last run, which was Tuesday.

Since then, I've rested, iced, and elevated my feet.  I also took the advice of some redditors, and did some research on merrells and vibram five finger barefoot or minimalist running shoes.  I have to recommend REI for their wonderful help and knowledgable staff.  I had been in an REI before, but only to briefly look at coats and to get gift cards for my brother.  (No, they are not sponsoring my blog or paying me to do this). I tried on several pairs of shoes, and got some advice based on my my arch and how I walk.  In the end, I got this shoe...

I walked for 30 minutes in them on Friday night, and could feel the difference.  I was told to take it easy and get used to the shoe before running (as they are barefoot inspired running shoes and utilize different foot muscles).  I didn't have any pain during the 30 minute walk.  I'm anxious to see how they do when I run.  

I have to insert here that, as a country girl, barefoot running is comfortable.  From birth to age 15 or so, I spent most summers barefoot.  I just don't want to have those calloused feet from barefoot road running.  

I'm also mad at myself, as I forgot to exercise tonight.  I worked all day, came home and started doing some paperwork and completely lost track of time.  I don't want to change my running schedule, so I guess I'm taking an extra day off?  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The one with all the links (and Reddit)

This site.  It's amazing, additively amazing (and I've only been a redditor for 3 months).
There is a subreddit for pretty much anything you could think of.

Why am I giving props to Reddit in a running blog? Because of r/C25K

Go ahead, click it. . . I'll wait.

You're back?  Good, because if you're serious about C25K and want some info/humor/advice/encouragement -- go here.  I posted here asking for some advice.  Check out those comments if you're having some of the issues I've mentioned on here.  Reddit and those comments led me to the REI site eventually. I'll get to that later.

 I've briefly mentioned that I live in a small town--the problem with this is that those "Running Shoe" stores you read about don't exist around here.  You ask someone where to get good running shoes around here, they tell you, "Shoe Carnival" or "Belks".  No disrespect to those institutions, as I often shop there for casual and dressy shoes, but that's not what I mean.  A few comments mentioned "minimus or minimal" and "vibram five finger" shoes.  I had seen pictures of the five-finger shoes, but have never tried them on or really been around a pair.  So, I did research.  REI has a good page here on choosing a good running shoe, and one of my other favorite sites, "Wired" wrote a review of 4 minimal shoes.

I am lucky enough to live a mere hour from REI, so I'm going there tomorrow to look at minimal shoes.  I also would like to comment that, based on my research, these shoes take some time to get used to.  So, maybe I'll restart C25K with minimal shoes.

Repeating is going to need some Repeating

My last post was a happy one.  This post is a mildly unhappy one.

I mentioned that I was planning on redoing week 2 to increase my distance/pace. Some people may look at that as doing too much too fast, and that I should be happy to be running and keeping up with a regimen.  I'm not trying to do 5 miles in 30 minutes or any other spectacular distance and time.  I understand that my body isn't ready for that.  I just feel I'm not ready to go on yet.

Theoretically/In a perfect world, if you increase the time spent running each week, then each week your distance/pace should increase (even if just by a little bit).  This was my run, beginning my redo of Week 2.

As you can see, things did not go so well.  Partly due to several calls from family members (which I tried to ignore, but when they call 4 times in a span of 5 minutes...).  I just wasn't feeling it.  I felt blah, tired, and that damn pain in my right side flared up again.

I was going to put this in a separate post, but why beat a dead horse?

I went running again to repeat Week 2, as planned.

I did better, but had some severe shin splints.  I'm still not increasing it (I should note I walked an extra 5 minutes in the 2.36 mile than the 2.20 mile)....

(To be continued so I have blog fodder and this won't be an incredibly long post).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week 2, Day 3

Can I just say that a 30 degree difference in temperature can make a run go from crappy to wonderful.  This could be the endorphins or the fact that every day three makes me happy, but I had a pretty good run tonight.

Conditions: 60 degrees (it was 90 last week).  I got to wear a jacket, which has this neat little inside pocket to hold my iphone and keys.  Therefore, I didn't look at the time left in each run--which I think made me run better, as I wasn't focused on how much was left.  I also didn't focus as much on foot placement or pace, and basically just ran freely.  It felt good to run. That doesn't help me much.

As I was running and thinking about last time, I remembered this episode of Friends.  Pheobe and Rachel decide to run together.  Rachel soon learns that Pheobe runs wildly free, and is (at first) embarassed.

I did take an extra day because of the shin splints, to rest; and I am glad I did.  I still need to increase my distance/pace, and I think I am going to repeat this week (week 2) to do this without further injury.

Week 2, Day 2

This run...not so good.  I know it's going to get hard, that means you're actually doing something.  I think my body is basically pissed that I went from pretty much completely sedentary lifestyle to running.  It hates me.  

The word, "shit!" was uttered many times during the run tonight.  

I had painful shin splints... for the record, they are the freaking worse things in history.  Also, if anyone could explain what the hell is making my right side (right below my ribcage) hurt each time I begin running (but ease off after I get into a rhythm), I will take the advice.  I also couldn't finish each run by about 10 seconds.  

However, I have learned some things.  I read some tips for runners about posture and pace, and some things to do with how you come down on your feet.  I focused too much on my feet this time, and I think it hindered more than helped.  So, lesson learned.  You can quit hating me now, body.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 2, day 1

I think every day one sucks.  

It may have been because I work on Sundays, and am on my feet the whole time (as a waitress).  I managed to complete the day, and I understand that it's supposed to be a challenge (otherwise, it wouldn't be working, right?).  I had shin splints, my run got interrupted by several phone calls, and my general mood wasn't optimistic.  I was to blame for my mood though,  as I let other people's opinions and perspectives weigh on my mind.

 Let me be clear, in case any of you readers are super fit people who have never had an issue with weight.  People you care about and that care about you sometimes make thoughtless comments, not meaning to hurt you.  But as an overweight person, these comments impact us.  I'm not suicidal or anything, and I'm continuing with my workout regimen, but I hated that a simple comment impacted my mood.

On a lighter note, I am about to go run my Week 2, Day 2.  I have discovered that 80s music is awesome to work out to.  Most popular songs of this decade have a good BPM that is not to fast, nor too slow.

Week 1 Day 3..again...

As mentioned last week, I decided to repeat Week 1 day 3 again.  After the "real" day three, I didn't feel ready to move on.  I had a rough run, with nausea and shaky muscles.

I also had some questions that I posed on Reddit/C25K.  I had originally planned on running every other day, but after some further research I found that a common schedule includes a two day rest period between weeks.  For example, a runner with this schedule would run M/W/F and take T/R/SA/SU as rest days.  Coincidently, I had an obligation come up and took the two rest days before completing my second attempt at week 1, day 3.

I'm going to provide a glimpse of my background here.  I don't run.  In fact, the last time I ran like this was in high school gym when we had to do "suicides" (which, I'm pretty sure would be a totally politically incorrect name for sprints in the gym).  I have exercised since, but not like this.  I never feel that endorphin rush or the happy refreshed feeling after running.

Yes, I will cheesily admit that I felt this good. For the first time in my life! 

After my second W1D3, I felt great.  I kept walking for about 20 minutes after the program ended (partly because it was actually a cool night for a change).

As a side note, I also had another incident happen when I was running.  I was halfway through my cool down when one of my brothers friends stops me (I told you I live in a small town).  His dogs had gotten out of his fence, and he was looking for them.  Sure enough, I came across them on my way back to the car.  I helped him (which took another 20 minutes) and still felt awesome.  At least no ice cream truck teased me!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I finished my run Tuesday night feeling okay but super tired.  I suffered from shin splints (for the first time), along with that pesky right side pain again.  I should also mention that I ran my fastest mile this time.  That little fact made me feel a lot better.  I do plan on repeating Day 3 again, simply because I don't think I am ready for Week 2.  I'm doing better than when I started, but I am totally out of shape and have never done a program like this, so I think slower is better.

I think I mentioned before that I run in a small town that is well populated, and has a high number of evening walkers.  I don't feel unsafe or out of place, and I like doing it by myself.  That way, when I'm cussing under my breath, I'm not offending anyone.

At one point this night, around 8:00, I was on my 5th running cycle, and jogging down the sidewalk.   An ice cream truck was behind me (unbeknownst to me) and proceeded to turn on his siren and music as he was passing.  I jumped out of my skin.  I also thought that it was a tad mean because I like ice cream and he made me want some.  Who taunts the overweight runner with ice cream? Who? (Note: It was also funny, and kind of lightened my mood).

Monday, September 5, 2011

Week One, Day Two

Second day down, and I realized I have actually improved.  

I didn't have a great start to the day, or the run, but I made it.  Rather than taking only 30 mins, this time I was in town for about an hour, and exercising for 40 minutes of that.  I live in a small southern town, and it was Sunday night.  I go at night because I am the furthest thing from a morning person.  By the time I finally found a parking spot in a well lit area that was not crowded, it was about 7:30. 

 I mentioned before that I am using the C25K app on my iphone.  I do not have a proper case for running and my headphones kept falling out and twisting around.  If anyone has any suggestions for a good case or carrier and better (not too expensive) headphone, I'll take them!  

Are these things uncomfortable or hard to work?  

The fourth, fifth, and sixth running intervals were the worst (halfway), but then end and the beginning were great.  I'm worried about week 3 and 4, apparently they are rough.  However, I"ll deal with that when I get to it.  I still need to drink more water during my run; but the side splints weren't as bad and the nausea wasn't present this time.  

Week One Day One

On Friday, I started my journey with C25K.  It was hell, I'm not going to lie.

I haven't really ran since gym class in high school.  That was around 2001.  I have ran a few times since, like catching my run away pet, or hurring to meet someone.  But running for exercise?  Nope.  I go to the gym at school and use the ellipticals, treadmills, and bike machines but I haven't done the whole running thing.  This is also why I decided to use the C25K system. 

This is how I felt the first day. 

To be honest, I'm sure that one untold part of C25K is that week one is designed to make you humble.  Not only is it a  challenge to begin the process, especially when you're not in shape, but you are alternating running for 60 seconds then walking for 90 seconds.  Basically you look like you can't make your mind on whether to walk or run.  I do my exercise outside on the sidewalks in my small town.  I got some weird looks. 

On day one, I immediately felt horrible right side pain, which only eased in the last five seconds of walking.  About halfway through I felt really tired and wanted to give up.  Not to mention there was a pretty nasty storm blowing in ... 

I pushed through, cooled off, and wondered what the hell I had gotten myself into.  After I caught my breath, got a drink of water, and sat down to drive home, I realized something.  I felt horrible, nauseous and had a terrible headache, but I also had sweat so much my shirt was clinging to my back. I had one of the best workouts that I had in a long time.  The next day, my thigh and hip muscles hurt to no end and I popped advil all day. 

TL, DR:  First day was a success but a painful and trying one.  Thigh and hip muscles hurt like hell the day after and I learned the importance of drinking water and properly stretching.  

Source of first image was found on Reddit 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First post

I don't really know where to start this, so I'm just going to jump right in.
I was browsing around on reddit and came across this thing called the C25K. At first, I thought that it was some sort of fad diet, who's letters I didn't comprehend.  After reading about it I was intrigued.  It sounds legit, though I really wouldn't know because I am super un-athletic.   

I start doing some research on it and eventually stumbled upon this guy's story.  I should stop here to say that I have a very short attention span, and after spending as much time online as I do, not much really surprises me or intrigues me for any length of time. I start watching this video, even laughing at the beginning (Sorry, but I am being honest- the song choice made me laugh at first).  I'm a bigger girl myself, and like him, I was also once (a very very long time ago) a "normal" sized person.  I just recently  got under the 200 mark, and I can only attribute that to the fact that I am a tad depressed and started working in the heat for July.  

Anyway, I have started college again to earn a second degree.  A plus to this (besides the whole becoming gainfully employed) is that I get to work out at the wonderful (seriously, it is nice) gym again.  I know I need to lose weight, but I tend to find excuses that lead to me giving up a workout regimen.  Ben's story really hit home.  I don't think anyone's fitness story has ever touched me the way his has.  

I was going to send this to him in an email, but chickened out.  I figure he gets emails and such daily and I'm sure these types of things get old after a while.  I do hope that I have enough motivation to keep going like he did.  I strongly encourage anyone looking to start a plan to learn about the C25K and watch Ben's story.  (Also, he is a hottie).  If anyone has advice, please let me know.  

Here's the video if you are like me and too lazy to give a crap and click that link
Also, check out his site http://bendoeslife.tumblr.com/