Sunday, October 2, 2011

Accentuate The Positive

I swear I'm not a whiney person, though when you write a blog like this, it's hard to not come off as a complainer sometimes.  So, I'm going to outline the positive and negatives regarding this week's runs.
(I had a better picture, but it came from a very bad source apparently...this is iStockPhoto)

Positive: I ran faster and further than I have before the whole shin splint debacle.

Negative: I was sick and worked a full day on Saturday, so I took the night off from running.

Positive: I ran Sunday instead...

Negative: I almost gave up the last part of my run because my body is exhausted.

Positive: I didn't give up.  I looked at my time left, and how far I had already ran and told myself to keep going.

Positive:  I said my body was exhausted, but it's not from running.  Working full time while fighting a bug, as well as going to school and having projects due (stress) is what I think caused my extreme tired feeling.

Positive:  I was complimented several times at work by customers and coworkers who said they could tell I'm losing weight.

Negative:  My family tries to encourage me, but often ends up discouraging me.  I know they don't mean to, but compliments like, "You're doing good, but ... " followed by how I would look so much prettier if I lost weight, and how hard it is to lose weight when you're older, and other phrases make me want to run away.

Positive:  I'm not running just to lose weight.  It's a stress reliever, and a lifestyle change I want in my life.  It gets me out of the house, away from my computer, and away from all the annoyances in my life...briefly.  I get to enjoy my music.

Any tips on how to boost energy when you're feeling very sluggish before a run?  I felt ready to run, and my mind was excited about it.  My body...not so much.

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