Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 1 Day 3..again...

As mentioned last week, I decided to repeat Week 1 day 3 again.  After the "real" day three, I didn't feel ready to move on.  I had a rough run, with nausea and shaky muscles.

I also had some questions that I posed on Reddit/C25K.  I had originally planned on running every other day, but after some further research I found that a common schedule includes a two day rest period between weeks.  For example, a runner with this schedule would run M/W/F and take T/R/SA/SU as rest days.  Coincidently, I had an obligation come up and took the two rest days before completing my second attempt at week 1, day 3.

I'm going to provide a glimpse of my background here.  I don't run.  In fact, the last time I ran like this was in high school gym when we had to do "suicides" (which, I'm pretty sure would be a totally politically incorrect name for sprints in the gym).  I have exercised since, but not like this.  I never feel that endorphin rush or the happy refreshed feeling after running.

Yes, I will cheesily admit that I felt this good. For the first time in my life! 

After my second W1D3, I felt great.  I kept walking for about 20 minutes after the program ended (partly because it was actually a cool night for a change).

As a side note, I also had another incident happen when I was running.  I was halfway through my cool down when one of my brothers friends stops me (I told you I live in a small town).  His dogs had gotten out of his fence, and he was looking for them.  Sure enough, I came across them on my way back to the car.  I helped him (which took another 20 minutes) and still felt awesome.  At least no ice cream truck teased me!

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